Iconic Couple
Fulfilling Dreams
We provide the soil. You provide the light and water!
Receiving notoriety and fame by cultivating others!
Be the catalyst to continued growth, by all parties!
Pure and fulfilling work. Gain peace and satisfaction while praising and loving others. Is there anything better?
We’re looking for a happy couple that finds joy in helping others, by bringing attention and praise to share with the world. A couple that is excited to share their journey, experiencing local excellence around their own city and lifting the lesser-known places to glory.
If you possess the natural desire to exalt and lift others up but haven’t yet found a vehicle to share as much as you’d like, the vehicle for you is ready.
Enter: Your Dream Scenario: Your chariot has arrived. Gain notoriety and fame by showering love onto others. The more you seek others’ best interests, the greater and greater you become known. It’s time to begin your journey to worldwide fame & success – the pure way. Receive compensation by way of fulfillment, true peace and eventually wealth by doing what you were born to do.
Not only are you helping others by giving them praise and much needed attention, but you are also helping the audience escape their daily troubles by living through you. Win-Win-Win.
Your destination to fame and success will come with work and sharpening of skills. We have the perfect scenario for you to plant your seed and allow for your natural, sustained growth in a very healthy and challenging environment.
Are you interested in letting the world watch you grow over time, while experiencing the best products and services that your city produces, as part of a long-term relationship likened to a healthy tree growing from a small seed to a healthy tree that produces fruit that others enjoy, season after season?
Small seed to mature, fruit bearing tree technique:
Start small and as time passes and techniques are perfected, let the momentum take over and watch how large that initial seed turns into a massive fruit producing tree.
For your efforts, receive a whopping 50% of all fruit produced.
50% of all media outlet monetization is to be distributed to each pair of local hosts, relative to how each one of their videos performs.
10% of that 50% earned is to be distributed to each featured destination as a “thank you” for their hospitality.
Returns will not be realized immediately – some patience and persistence is required – a long-term investment with a healthy return
Fruit is not realized immediately after a seed has been planted but rather, takes some time before the tree bears much fruit.
Let us use our vehicle to pick you up and let you do what you were made for. Start building your national reputation and inevitable fame with us. No need to hold the seed any longer and to be planted in an unfruitful environment. It’s time to take that small seed within you and begin the transition from seed to bountiful tree that produces more fruit than can be counted. Don’t wait any longer. Plant your seed in the perfect environment and begin your long-term, fruitful growth today.
Do you have the abilities to:
Make pleasant introductions.
A pre-selected list of destinations will be given to you. Are you able to shake hands and make personal visits, make introductions with top level managers and business owners with ease?
Do you own a personal vehicle?
To drive and document to and from destinations.
Do you own a camera?
A stand-alone camera with memory card is recommended but a common smart phone does the job just fine.
For raw video diaries, before, during and after visiting the destination.
Do you know a third party, a friend, that can help bring greater perspective to your video features, that accompanies the couple to film continuously, from a third-person point-of-view (no commentary)?
Do you have the time that is required to commit to scheduled visits and conducting video interviews on days that you’re not working your conventional job until the day that you’re able to leave your day job?
Are you able to self-manage and self-govern?
Are you committed to self-discipline - Consistent and persistent self-growth without the prodding of an external demands of a “boss”.
No Sales Pitch – only Exaltation.
This is not a sales position. You have nothing to sell.
This is an exaltation business. Are you capable of praising others with zero expectations of an immediate return?
Are you able to handle adversity and disappointment with grace and ease?
Should destinations refuse your praise and video review, can you handle the possibility of rejections until public sentiment rises and your reputation gains momentum?
Desirables in the pair of Hosts:
Several years enjoying a healthy relationship.
Magnetic personalities.
Visually attractive including attire & personal hygiene
Ability to seamlessly adapt from super casual environments to ultra classy atmospheres with ease.
Little to no restrictions as it pertains to all types of food, drinks, and activities.
Excited but not overly energetic: Cool.
Naturally grounded and stable force.
Asks the serious questions.
A touch of dry humor from time to time.
Cool and calm leader of the couple
James Bond vibes.
Naturally brings a joyful presence with her – lights up the room with a light and airy personality.
Gives the male the room to lead the discussions while also interjecting joyful reactions while enjoying each experience - No hidden smiles but smiles often and freely.
The vehicle has been built for your success. The soil is fertile and ready.
Become the iconic pair and representatives of your city, for the world to live through.
35 opportunities/destinations to visit and build relationships within your city, per year.
Potential to build relationships with the owners while also experiencing the best food/drink/activities in your city.
Long-term investment in regards to both money and fame – acknowledgment and contentment, knowing that growing a seed to a fruit bearing tree takes persistence and consistence over time.
Freedom to work your own hours. The speed of your assent to the top is determined by your speed, quality and determination to succeed.
Long-term commitment to grow the audience to the point of sentimental attachment, as you grow.
Taking applications through November. If this scenario interests you, let's get in touch.